Mixpanel event schema changed after migrating to Log Stream

Hi everyone, I’ve done with the migration from Extension to Log Stream for Mixpanel integration. By the way after the migration, I found that all the auth0 related Mixpanel events got the schema changed. For example, all event names change to acronym format: “Incorrect password” change to “fp”, “Successful Login” change to “s”
Before migration

After migration

I wonder if there is an option to update the schema (to the previous one before migration) that will be consistent with all the previous events in my Mixpanel analytics board.

I appreciate any helps. Thank you.

Why has there never been an answer, the problem is still with us?

Yes, it’s sad that nobody answer this even from Auth0 team


Is it possible to have an answer, your mixpanel integration is absolutely useless on Auth0, doesn’t that pose a problem for you?

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Do you have any updates for this kind of issue?