Missing client id query parameter on custom error page

Hi everyone

I ran into the problem that the client id is not passed as a query parameter to the custom error page. There are error and error_description query parameters, but client id is empty.

I use this method

What could be the problem?

There are scenarios where the error page might be called where the client ID is unknown. Can you give an example where this is happening? I just tested this out in my own tenant, and anytime I call /authorize or /login and pass a client_id parameter, (and intentionally create an error that goes to the error page), I had the client_id. Obviously, if I called /authorize or /login without a client_id I don’t get one, but I do still get the client_id parameter, but the value is empty.

Sorry for so late response Carlos, I didn’t see a notification.

The exact steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Navigate to hosted login page from the client site
  2. Login or signup. After that user is redirected to redirect_uri (back to the client site)
  3. press browser back button and try to login or signup
  4. An error occurs and a custom error page is showed with missing client_id query param

Error would be the following: Password login via OIDC-conformant clients with externally-hosted login pages is unsupported. Alternatively, login could have been initiated from the wrong place (e.g., a bookmark).

Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance

It must be getting the client_id out of the session, which would no longer exist after a successful login.

As for this particular error, we have a feature in beta right now that a few customers are trialing that allows you to configure either a tenant level or client level URL where you can redirect a user to if they login using the back button or a bookmark (basically any scenario where the login session is no longer valid). Watch the product announcements for it to arrive soon!

Please NOTE, the URL should be a login URL that will redirect the user back to /authorize at Auth0. If they had previously logged in, they will be directed to your callback automatically with the appropriate state.