I’m trying to get user date of birth that login using facebook or google in my SPA using auth0.js, but in idToken that I got didn’t contain birtdate, information that I got from idToken is
As you’ve seen the attributes included in the issued ID Token are controlled by the use of a parameter called scope.
If scope is set to openid , then the ID Token will contain only the iss , sub , aud , exp and iat claims.
If scope is set to openid email , then the ID Token will contain additionally the email and email_verified claims.
If scope is set to openid profile , then the ID Token will contain all default profile Claims, which are: name , family_name , given_name , middle_name , nickname , preferred_username , profile , picture , website , gender , birthdate , zoneinfo , locale , and updated_at .
You need to use openid profile scope then to get birthdate. If you’re using it you’re not getting that claim?