Hi, I’m considering using Auth0 to manage identities of all users on my website (let us call it x.com).
Later, if I wish to migrate my users to a new website (say y.com), I’d like the process to be relatively straightforward with the user identity tied to a new user@y.com email-id instead of the previous user@x id — without the user needing to create a new username/password etc. for the newly created domain (that has no prior users).
Can you please point me to documentation explaining how user identity migration (from one domain to another) can be implemented or outline high-level steps necessary to accomplish this.
Thanks @dan.woda , the linked page doesn’t address my scenario. It discusses linking two separate user accounts.
So it assumes that the user would need to create a new account with the y.com domain and then link the new account to the x.com account
I’m curious to know if an x.com account can be seamlessly ported to y.com.
IOW is it is possible to automatically create a new user account for the new domain (y.com) with users using the same user-id and same password they had with the x.com domain. (Note that the new domain will not have any prior users, so user-ids can be ported over without being duplicated).
The manual option would be for each user to individually/manually create a new account for the new domain, but I’m curious to know if Auth0 makes it possible to automatically create new accounts.
I think I need more clarification regarding the domains and email part of the use case. Do all of your users share the same email domain? And do you want to overwrite that domain to a new one when they sign on through the second application? Although I haven’t tried it yet, I am fairly certain this could be accomplished using Rules. I would be happy to test it out if this is the desired goal.
It sounds like you want to provide a single sign on experience, which is easily accomplished by registering each application and toggling their database connections on and off in the dashboard. If this is not the desired outcome please let me know.
This covers migration from an external database to Auth0, which may end up being helpful: