MFA Timeout Redirect with Auth0Widget

Using the custom MFA page is there any way to catch the “timeout” on the MFA widget so that we can redirect the user back to the login page when that timeout occurs. I see this topic from a couple years ago was closed:

This problem leave the user in a state where the MFA widget says it timed out. However, there is no button to redirect back and no way to show hide such a button because we cant seem to listen for that timeout event. Are there any workaround for this.

Good afternoon,

Unfortunately, I’m afraid that’s not currently supported. I would recommend providing this feature request with all the details you want to provide to our product team directly here: Auth0: Secure access for everyone. But not just anyone.


Hi @karen1

Just checking if this is still not supported?


I fear unfortunately it’s not. You can advocate for that using our Feedback category here: