With the Maui Auth0Client I am testing LoginAsync on an Android and iOS device. If I try to decode the returned accesstoken in jwt.io the payload is missing and it says “Invalid Signature” at the bottom of the page.
The Auth0Client has the Domain, ClientId, RedirectUri, PostLogoutRedirectUri, Scope (openid profile email) set to the correct values.
I can see on jwt.io the header values are:
“alg”: “dir”,
“enc”: “A256GCM”,
Would appreciate any help or pointers in figuring this out.
Thanks in advance.
Hi @development6,
Welcome to the Auth0 Community!
Can you try specifying an audience
value? Example on how to add audience
: auth0-maui-samples/Sample at main · auth0-samples/auth0-maui-samples · GitHub
This Community post and thread discuss tokens and why “Invalid Signature” is returned: JWT token is "invalid signature"? - #7 by kkrp1
Please let me know if you have any additional questions!
Mary Beth
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