This is related to SAML Mapping: No attributes map and Map SAML Attribute Statements received from an external IdP and convert them to claims .
Here is my set-up: Auth0 as SP + Shibbeloth as IDP.
The SMAL connection works fine, but I am only getting back information for sub
. The rest of the fields are empty.
From the Auth0 dashboard, I can see all the data returned by the IDP, see below.
How do I map them to Auth0 attributes?
I have tried to add something like
"name": "urn:oid:2:5:4:3"
in the mapping file, but with no result.
From the User Details / Raw JSON screen
"authenticationmethod": "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:PasswordProtectedTransport",
"created_at": "2020-02-17T17:09:28.580Z",
"identities": [
"user_id": "_____________|as3760",
"provider": "samlp",
"connection": "_____________",
"isSocial": false
"issuer": "",
"name": "",
"nameIdAttributes": {
"value": "as3760",
"NameQualifier": "",
"SPNameQualifier": "urn:auth0:dev-an4forh7:_____________",
"Format": "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:unspecified"
"nickname": "",
"picture": "",
"sessionIndex": "_877ebd1abfe15bd7e64f8cdd29cb849e",
"updated_at": "2020-02-21T21:23:41.171Z",
"urn:oid:0:9:2342:19200300:100:1:1": "as3760",
"urn:oid:0:9:2342:19200300:100:1:3": "",
"urn:oid:1:3:6:1:4:1:5923:1:1:1:1": [
"urn:oid:1:3:6:1:4:1:5923:1:1:1:3": "o=++++++ University,c=US",
"urn:oid:1:3:6:1:4:1:5923:1:1:1:5": "staff",
"urn:oid:1:3:6:1:4:1:5923:1:1:1:6": "",
"urn:oid:1:3:6:1:4:1:5923:1:1:1:7": [
"urn:oid:1:3:6:1:4:1:5923:1:1:1:9": [
"urn:oid:2:16:840:1:113730:3:1:241": "Arnaud SAHUGUET",
"urn:oid:2:5:4:3": "Arnaud SAHUGUET",
"urn:oid:2:5:4:4": "SAHUGUET",
"urn:oid:2:5:4:42": "Arnaud",
"user_id": "samlp|_____________|as3760",
"last_ip": "",
"last_login": "2020-02-21T21:23:41.171Z",
"logins_count": 29,
"blocked_for": [],
"guardian_authenticators": []