I’m new to Auth0. And since I’m new to Auth0, I of course considered and read me through the documentations and this fascinating forum. I found on all my questions an answer so far, especially this old thread was really helping me: https://community.auth0.com/t/user-registration-registration-confirmation-and-etc/12227.
But I still have one more question: Is it possible to manually confirm a new user registration? The scenario would be as following: My customer can access to all platforms with their Auth0-Login (new Login-Method, hosted at “my-tenant”.auth0.com) I set the registration-link to visible. When I’m onboarding a new customer, I want him to register himself on Auth0, but I want to review this registration. So he shouldn’t be able to log in to all the platforms until I accept the registration. Is there an option for this? I’m also open for a work a round.