I’m working on a migration from Rules to Actions. One of the changes for me was a change in how we are initiating ManagementClient , I have used this help topic as my bases:
Setting up new application, and then storing the clientid and secret in action’s secrets. This works fine when I’m setting this manually.
But now I need to set up deployment using a0deploy with the tenants.yaml.
So for Application(client), it is easy:
but for the action, how do I now reference the generated client_id and client_secret? I basically need something like this? Is it anyhow possible to setup?
Curious, if there are any recommendations for this? I’m also trying to instantiate a management client in an action, but do not want our client secret referenced in the auth0 deployment yamls.
I was just able to run the Deploy CLI successfully and create an action with a secret as shown in the example - Both my application’s client_secret and Action secret were set using environment variables. Here’s my tenant.yaml: