Management API return a user's roles in GetUsers and GetUser

Feature: When making a request to the management API to return an individual user or list of users, include the user’s Auth0 roles in the response object

Description: I serve an enterprise-level company that is experimenting with using Auth0 to externalize user management. This includes displaying a list of users and managing their assigned roles.

Use-case: The current management API is limited in that the request to retrieve user(s) and roles are separate calls. This means after retrieving my list of users by organization (which may be hundreds), I need to make individual management API requests to retrieve a user’s roles. My life would be much better and less expensive if roles could optionally be included in the response.

My request is similar to: List users via management API, missing roles - Auth0 Community and since this is a common request, I’m a little shocked this hasn’t been implemented after four years.