Trying to confirm I am not going crazy. When I run a curl to the management api and use the page and per_page options it always returns the same result no matter what page number I enter. Am I missing something?
I’m having trouble recreating this behavior. When I send the request https://my-domain/api/v2/clients?fields=name%2Cclient_id&page=0&per_page=50 I get a different set of results then when I send https://my-domain/api/v2/clients?fields=name%2Cclient_id&page=1&per_page=50.
Are you seeing this occur with other endpoints as well (e.g. /users)?
Are you using any special tool to send the request? I am just using curl and it appears to do the same thing with the connections api as well, but I noticed that it doesn’t complete the request but sits at the prompt waiting for me to kill the command.
Awesome I used your example and modified my curl request and it looks like it is getting different values on different pages. I appreciate the help on this one.