Logout - using React

Hi ,
I am using react to develop my FE-web-app .
I am using the JS-apis provided by you (auth0.com ) ( from the github basic project).

When i try to logout , the doc (Auth0 React SDK Quickstarts: Login) uses “return_to” ,as the URL after user logs-out.

But , the dashboard ) is asking for “returnTo” . ( https://manage.auth0.com/dashboard/us/somecompany/applications/someid/settings)

Which one should I use “return_to” OR “returnTo” ?



Hello @adb and welcome to Auth0’s Community.

First let me apologize for the delay in response. I would first go off of what the quickstart states and build from there. Are you seeing any errors if using the first recommendation? Often times I find helpful trying to capture each step it takes and see where it paces through the authentication workflow. Please let me know if you have any questions and I’d be happy to help, thanks!

Hi @James.Morrison ,
I was able to configure the logout URL by changing “return_To” to “returnTo” in Auth.js .

returnTo: “http://www.example.com

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Fantastic @adb, I’m glad it all came together and thank you for sharing the solution!

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