Logins_count is undefined

while am printing logins_count am getting undefined why is that so i have logged many times but still it shows undefined?what i was trying to do if last login is over 40 days want to trigger MFA.
const logins_count= event.stats.logins_count

Hi @ysharat,

I have tested this on my end, and I am not experiencing the same issue you mentioned. Instead, the event.stats.logins_count returns the user’s login count.

Are you able to check this with the Real-time Webtask Logs Extension and let me know how it goes?


sorry it was not logins_count , i was refering the below one, infact I was not able to get last_login attribute.could you pls try that and see if you able to print it?
const lastLoginString = event.user.last_login; // Get last login timestamp as string
Getting undefined.

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Hi @ysharat,

Thanks for the reply.

Unfortunately, the last_login attribute is not a callable attribute in the Post-Login action script.

To get the value in the action script, you must use the Management API to get the user’s last_login. See How can I use the Management API in Actions?.

Alternatively, you could append this information to the user_metadata and get it in the action script (event.user.user_metadata.last_login).
