Login with multiple domains and keep the session when one of them is logged in

Hi there,

I’m trying to figure out how to SSO on apps with 2 different domains and I’m failing to do so.

I’m using the same Tenant & Application for for my apps.

But the apps have different domains, and custom domain has its own domain name as well.

For example:

The App 1 is sample.com
The App2 is test.com
And the custom domain is [http://account.login.com]

I want to keep the session of logins when user logs in to one of the apps.

I have read this and this posts but I still cannot figure out how to achieve this.

I also have installed SSO dashboard but I got 404 when I set my callback so not sure what I’m supposed to do…

It’ll be much appreciated if someone can help me on this!

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