Login popup not appearing after logout

I am using auth0-js in my react application. I am facing one issue that it doesn’t open the login popup once user login successfully. Following are the steps to produce error;

  1. First time Auth0 login popup is open and ask for email and password.
  2. After successful authorization, it redirect to my home page.
  3. I logout my account from home page, then it redirect back to login page.
  4. I tried to open home page from url, but it redirect back to login page, because my account is logout.
  5. Then i again click on login button from login page and it directly redirecting me to home page without open login popup. And it open my previous account.

I want to login with different second time, but how can i enter different email and password because login popup not open this time.

Hey @karan.gasratech !

Thanks for letting us know about the steps to reproduce the error. Could you tell me if you’ve followed the steps from our quickstart when implementing: Auth0 JavaScript SDK Quickstarts: Login ?

Hey @karan.gasratech!

A quick followup. Have you been able to solve the issue?

Let me know if you need any further help!

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