Lock.show() is throwing errors on redirect on IE11

lock.show() method on IE11 works properly only on the home page. It throws the error attached on firing any event that causes redirecting. Any help on that please?
i am using https://cdn.auth0.com/js/lock/11.11/lock.min.js

Hey there!

Can I ask you to raise a GitHub issue here: Sign in to GitHub · GitHub as there are some additional details needed. That will be the best way to handle it as you will work with tool maintainers directly. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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It will be great @sammarSayed if you can also post the link to the issue here in the thread so that people potentially interested in that can also follow it!

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Thanks @konrad.sopala, will do it.

Thanks a lot for that!

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Link to github issue IE11 - lock.show() throws errors on firing update-lock-widget events · Issue #1684 · auth0/lock · GitHub


Thanks a lot for sharing it with the rest of community!