Dear @kjkyle I am using “auth0-lock”: “11.2.2” with Angular 5, nothing extra just simple user management via auth0 manually created users.
Sometimes was working, but after a point just got back this errors and warning
![alt text][1]
I added localhost url below to the Allowed Web Origins area.
Thanks your quick feedback!
Ahh I have found what was the issue. I assumed when I use redirect: false with lock, then I do not need to provide callback url. This assumption was wrong! I have to put my http://localhost:8201 url in popup mode case as well.
Do you know what {"login_ticket":"...","co_verifier":"...","co_id":"..."} means?
I started to receive just those login tickets with 200 status code, and the ‘WE’RE SORRY, SOMETHING WENT WRONG WHEN ATTEMPTING TO LOG IN.’ error in auth lock dialog. If I recreated the same user and still cannot log in (email verified).
Thanks for your help.
Thanks kjkyle for the suggestion. I’ve updated and the problem still exists. No we’re not using LDAP. Just a simple login trying to get the token but not redirect.
Keep your eye on the Logs dashboard where you should see all authentication logs. If your lock popup not closing due to some error message on the popup a detailed problem description should be in that Logs table (there is a delay to be visible).
Can be missing callback domain urls or missing user consent in case of localhost.
If you have problem in localhost you need this: User Consent and Third-Party Applications
This was the solution in my case.
I hope this helps, if not please provide more details what is not working
I’m experiencing this problem with Lock 11 and Angular 6. The authentication request seems to succeed on the network, I get a 200 response with a JSON object like { login_ticket: “stuff”, co_verifier: “more stuff”, co_id: “yet more” }. But the Lock popup just shows “WE’RE SORRY, SOMETHING WENT WRONG WHEN ATTEMPTING TO LOG IN.” and nothing further happens. Nothing is showing in the “Logs” dashboard.
Quite a strange case as you’re able to get 200 status code. Let em dig into it further and potentially ask more questions if needed. I will try to establish the reasoning with tool maintainers and see what might be the potential root cause!
Hello @konrad.sopala, I’m just having the same issue. Console displays nothing, however the auth0 server response is 200 ok, including in body login_ticket, code_verifier and co_id. Lock modal displays “We’re sorry, something went wrong attempting to login”. The auth0-lock version i’m using is 11.14.0. thanks in advance
Thank you a lot for providing that context! Let me dive into it with the engineering team and get back to you soon! It will be great if you can also provide us with the HAR file of the flow capturing that moment so we can see what happens behind the scenes:
If you can send me this one over private message, it would be perfect!