Lock renders blank

We’re having an odd problem with Lock on mobile: sometimes it pops up without the Google button or username/password fields appearing. I can reproduce it with the mobile simulator in Safari using iPhone 8 specs, though to get it to happen a second time, I have to quit Safari and start again. Screenshot of this behavior (logo cropped):

Also, the problem is fixed merely by resizing or rotating the screen. Any ideas here?

Hey there @tlhinman!

It’s not supposed to work like that and you shouldn’t be made to fix it with some hacky workarounds :smiley: Can you tell me which version of Lock you’re using and on what iPhones you’re testing (real or simulators)? Thank you!

We were able to get around it with a fix found here: Login and Sign Up Popup renders blank on iPhone Browser (after upgrading to 11.12.1) · Issue #1588 · auth0/lock · GitHub

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Perfect! Thanks a lot for sharing that with the rest of community!

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