Localize email verification message

Sure, you will want to create a pre-registration hook like this:

@param {object} user - The user being created
@param {string} user.tenant - Auth0 tenant name
@param {string} user.username - user name
@param {string} user.password - user's password
@param {string} user.email - email
@param {boolean} user.emailVerified - is e-mail verified?
@param {string} user.phoneNumber - phone number
@param {boolean} user.phoneNumberVerified - is phone number verified?
@param {object} context - Auth0 connection and other context info
@param {string} context.renderlanguage - language used by signup flow
@param {string} context.request.ip - ip address
@param {string} context.request.language - language of the client agent
@param {object} context.connection - information about the Auth0 connection
@param {object} context.connection.id - connection id
@param {object} context.connection.name - connection name
@param {object} context.connection.tenant - connection tenant
@param {object} context.webtask - webtask context
@param {function} cb - function (error, response)
module.exports = function (user, context, cb) {
  var response = {};
  response.user = user;
  response.user.user_metadata = { lang: context.renderLanguage };
  cb(null, response);

The ui_locales param isn’t available directly in the hook. Instead, we use the renderLanguage of the login page. Whatever language the Universal Login page is rendered in will be set as user_metadata.lang.