Link previously created tenants by different users to new Subcription

Hi there,

We have two tenants. One was created by me and the other was created by a client, both using a free subscription. I added him as an admin in my tenant

Now the client wants to upgrade to a PROFESSIONAL subscription and wants both tenants to be linked to that subscription.

Are there any additional steps to be taken so that he can link both tenants before upgrading?

I didn’t find any documentation about the upgrading process and tenant linking to a subscription. Maybe I’m missing something.

Thanks in advance

Hi @emanuel.perez

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Thank you for posting your question! I think that you and your client can benefit from linking account under Auth0 Teams! You can read more about it here → Auth0 Teams And for tenant linking here → Tenant Management

Let me know if this help you!


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