JWE received instead of standard JWS

I am on the free tier so I don’t have JWE enabled. However, when setting up access tokens for session management, jwt.io indicates that my token is encrypted (it starts off like ey…).

So, I am not sure how to get a standard JWS token that is unencrypted. Or, if I can get the encryption key it can be decrypted.

Can anyone guide me towards one or the other?

I am using NextJS + React, fwiw.

Happy to provide any other information. Thanks!

Hey there @gokul.er137 welcome to the community!

I have a feeling that the token isn’t a JWE but instead opaque - Is the signing algorithm at jwt.io dir by any chance? If so, then you’re likely missing an audience param in your configuration. You can pass the audience in authorizationParams:

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