Are there any metrics that I can see? Curious if that is something that may be coming in the future.
Yes, we are planning on adding usage metrics. You can now get a few metrics from the client side using OpenTelemetry from our SDKs (eg. js-sdk/docs/ at main · openfga/js-sdk · GitHub )
What are you looking for?
Basically usage metrics for sure. Anything and everything would be nice so we can report and see what and how things are being used.
Hi Stephen, can you check out the document Andres linked and let us know if there any metrics that are not there that you need? It would help to have concrete ideas/examples.
# OpenTelemetry
This SDK produces [metrics]( using [OpenTelemetry]( that allow you to view data such as request timings. These metrics also include attributes for the model and store ID, as well as the API called to allow you to build reporting.
When an OpenTelemetry SDK instance is configured, the metrics will be exported and sent to the collector configured as part of your applications configuration. If you are not using OpenTelemetry, the metric functionality is a no-op and the events are never sent.
In cases when metrics events are sent, they will not be viewable outside of infrastructure configured in your application, and are never available to the OpenFGA team or contributors.
## Metrics
### Supported Metrics
| Metric Name | Type | Description |
| `fga-client.request.duration` | Histogram | The total request time for FGA requests |
| `fga-client.query.duration` | Histogram | The amount of time the FGA server took to process the request |
|` fga-client.credentials.request`| Counter | The total number of times a new token was requested when using ClientCredentials|
### Supported attributes
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Is there no way currently yet to configure it server side and have that shipped to our monitoring platform?
Hi @stephenbawks1
No, there’s no way to do it currently.
If you’d like to talk about it, feel free to DM me, we are currently talking with customers to better understand what they’d want.