Is there a way to pull a detailed report in Auht0?

I need to pull a report of users who logged in between a specific time frame (Oct10-Oct24) and were using a specific browser method (Web).

In the user details, we have the information of the device, the browser, and in the history tab it keeps a detailed log as well.

Hi @avargaspagan

Thank you for reaching out!
Currently there is no direct way of generating a user report from the Auth0 Dashboard, but as a work-around you can search log events using our Management API GET/api/v2/logs endpoint. You can specify any search criteria, or retrieve all logs and filter by login events afterward.

Alternatively, you can set up a Log Streaming service in your tenant which will allow you to access the data. As per our data retention policy, logs are not kept for more than 30 days, but this can be overcome by a Log Streaming service.

Hope this helped!

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