Invalid redirect after login using auth0-js

Please fill out the following to the best of your ability. Doing so will help out the troubleshooting process

  • What are you trying to achieve? What is the use case or idea behind it?
    I am trying to report an intermittent failure, related to Auth0 login process using Auth0Lock.

  • If this is caused by an SDK please mention the SDK along with the specific version number.

  • Is this easily reproducible? If not, please explain.

  • If this is related to Lock / any SDK please share the SDK as well as lock initialization code or any code that is relevant.

  • If this is an issue with an API please mention the endpoint you are trying to hit. Relevant code, and or a network trace, is really helpful when debugging such issues.

  • Environment-specific information (Which OS, Language Runtime + Version, Browser etc).

While trying to login to my SPA, which uses Auth0-JS, I was redirected to a callback URL that was not listed on my authorized list. Can you please check what it is happening?

Thanks in advance.

Can you let us know the error message you received or associated code we can verify?