Invalid Login State with Google


A user logging in with Google may get the following error, even if the default login route is set:

You may have pressed the back button

To reproduce this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Login using a Google account that has not consented to share information during the OAuth flow.
  2. On the Google OAuth consent page (throttle your internet connection to Slow 3G - this helps reproduce the next step). Click Continue to consent to sharing information with our app.
  3. While the callback ([https://<tenant_domain>/login/callback?](https://%3Ctenant_domain%3E/login/callback?)...) is in flight, click Continue again. This triggers another request to Google and results in another callback with a different auth code.

Applies To

  • Google Connection
  • Authentication


When this article was created, the Google consent form allowed multiple clicks on the continue button. This triggers Google to send a second authorization code to the tenant /login/callback endpoint after Auth0 has processed the first one successfully, resulting in the error.


When this happens, the default login route is not used.

  • A workaround is to set a custom error page and handle it there by checking the query string parameters appended to the URL.
  • At this point, a redirection can be issued back to the app to start the login flow again.