I’m creating a frontend using Flutter. This frontend will make API calls to my backend. The frontend should work on web, Android and iOS. API calls to my backend should be authenticated with an access token.
As of now, I’m not worried about the backend. I’m trying to get an access token on the frontend side, for flutter web (I haven’tr tried Android or iOS yet). I’m using the sample flutter app from here: https://github.com/auth0/auth0-flutter/tree/main/auth0_flutter
Precisely, I have this code:
void initState() {
auth0 = widget.auth0 ??
Auth0(dotenv.env['AUTH0_DOMAIN']!, dotenv.env['AUTH0_CLIENT_ID']!);
auth0Web =
Auth0Web(dotenv.env['AUTH0_DOMAIN']!, dotenv.env['AUTH0_CLIENT_ID']!);
if (kIsWeb) {
auth0Web.onLoad().then((final credentials) => setState(() {
_user = credentials?.user;
Future<void> login() async {
try {
if (kIsWeb) {
return auth0Web.loginWithRedirect(
redirectUrl: 'http://localhost:8081', audience: 'https://test');
Running this code, I managed to go through the login flow, and id and access tokens are printed. I checked the id token on https://jwt.io/, and it’s valid (it contains all the info) I need. However the access token isn’t valid: “JWT payload isn’t a valid json object”. The data payload is empty.
Could you tell me what I’m doing wrong? I read all the threads on this forum mentioning this issue. I did provide an audience to the loginWithRedirect
call: https://test
which is the audience of the API that I’ll use as backend. I checked the lenght of the access token being printed, it’s short, so it’s not Flutter cutting it.
Could you give me a hand please?