Flutter and Auth0 integration

I’m trying Auth0 with Flutter using the auth0_flutter library.
I’m able to open the login page and get the access token.
I’ve created a native application in the Auth0 dashboard.
But, when I’ve sent a request to my backend including the access token, I got an invalid JWT token error.
So, I looked at the token and it’s not a JWT token, it doesn’t include any payload.
The header looks like this:

  "alg": "dir",
  "enc": "A256GCM",
  "iss": "https://e-dzd-wallet.eu.auth0.com/"

If I use postman with the endpoint: https://.auth0.com/oauth/token
I managed to get a correct JWT token that my backend can accept.

What am I doing wrong? How to get a JWT token using the universal login page?
Thank you

Could you sure to include the “audience” parameter in your login request.
Without it, Auth0 sends back an opaque token instead of a JWT with the necessary payload.