I’ve spent a few days down this rabbit hole and I’m hoping someone here can help. I’m creating a mobile app based on the Auth0 Ionic 2+ SDK Quickstart. The login and redirect works great, and I retrieve a valid idToken. However, the access token I need to authenticate with my API does not appear to be valid. I already have an angular 4 front-end that successfully authenticates with my express backend; the problem here is that I’m not getting valid access tokens in my ionic app.
example access token: IdCKy7eYbl0pwxtE
Above is an example accessToken that I get back in the ionic app, and when I send this to my API as an authorization header I get: UnauthorizedError: jwt malformed. This looks to me like a refresh token, but when I send a post request to: https://findbl0k.auth0.com/oauth/token with the following payload it says my refresh token is invalid.
"grant_type": "refresh_token",
"client_id": "yecF47olgqyu0GadqfIRBDcB8JWufsg-",
"refresh_token": "IdCKy7eYbl0pwxtE"
"error": "invalid_grant",
"error_description": "Unknown or invalid refresh token."
here’s my config in auth.services.ts:
const auth0Config = {
// needed for auth0
clientID: 'yecF47olgqyu0GadqfIRBDcB8JWufsg-',
audience: 'https://findbl0k.auth0.com/api/example',
// needed for auth0cordova
clientId: 'yecF47olgqyu0GadqfIRBDcB8JWufsg-',
domain: 'findbl0k.auth0.com',
callbackURL: location.href,
packageIdentifier: 'io.ionic.starter.auth0',
scope: 'openid profile read:messages'
I’m not sure why this access token is invalid. Any help here is greatly appreciated.