Include Tagalog and/or Filipino in Available Languages for New Universal Login

Feature: Include Tagalog and/or Filipino in Available Languages for Localization of New Universal Login

Description: We would greatly appreciate if Tagalog and/or Filipino were added to the list of supported languages for translation of the New Universal Login. Furthermore, we’re happy to work with Auth0 by providing the translation work required to support this change.

Use-case: We use the New Universal Login within a transit trip planning application for the Seattle area, which is home to many Tagalog speakers. There are 45 million speakers of Tagalog or Filipino worldwide, which includes 1.6 million Tagalog speakers in the United States. We think that this would be a worthy addition to the list of supported languages for the New Universal Login, and would serve to create a better, more inclusive application.

Talking to the support team:

We technically have support today! Tagalog (tl) was added to our list of translations in late 2023 but has not yet made its way to the management dashboard. You can enable it as a supported language via API, and then they can test it by use the following url for one of their applications


They can also edit any of the key/values using the API Auth0 Management API v2