I am using Bulk Users Import Job, attempting to update our user’s meta data.
For example, our user profile user meta data might look something like this:
"language": "en-ca",
"customer_id": 0000001,
"favorite_color": blue
And I would have this as the json array to update only the customer_id meta data
{"email": "test1@yopmail.com", "user_id": "auth0|
636177aba862169c6f2f5b37", "user_metadata": {"customer_id": 8888881} },
{"email": "test2@yopmail.com", "user_id": "auth0|63617886dc4c78e593bb3c5c", "user_metadata": {"customer_id": 8888882} }
But after running the import, the user profile will now b e
"customer_id": 8888881
As per documentation:
I have in the parameter upsert: true
Thank you.