Importing users from custom DB

We have a load of users in our old custom DB who have not yet set a password, so I would like to bulk-import them into Auth0 rather than waiting for the automatic migration to take place (which we have working nicely).

However, when I try to create those users through the API, Auth0 checks the custom DB, sees they are already there, and stops the creation - understandably. I’m using the wp-auth0 plugin, so I don’t have a lot of control over the other end of the custom DB scripts, otherwise I could of course change things at that end.

What I’m wondering is, when are the different scripts used? The login script is used for logging in, obviously, but how about get-user? Is that only used to look up if a user already exists?

If so, I could temporarily disable that script to remove the disambiguation check while I run the import. Does that make sense? Are there dangers in that approach?

When you say that your users do not have a password, is this in WordPress?

As for the when the Get User action script is used, it executes after any of these actions:

  • A user attempts to sign-up
  • A user clicks on a valid password change confirmation link
  • The management API receives a call to the update a user’s email or username endpoint.

You can’t disable the script per se, but you can make the script not do anything (so in a sense disabling it). At which point, you could run the import.

They have a password in Wordpress, but haven’t yet gone through Auth0, so aren’t migrated.

I’ve realised that the user import function can help with this; it doesn’t seem to check with the custom DB at all, so I can import some of the data that way, without affecting the custom DB scripts. However, that can’t import all user data, so I need to import a user, then update it to set the rest of the information.

Any other thoughts to make this process easier would be much appreciated!