IDX10501: Signature validation failed. Unable to match keys


We are suddenly facing this issue on 2020-07-18, 08:09:46 GMT :

IDX10501: Signature validation failed. Unable to match keys:
token: '{“alg”:“RS256”,“typ”:“JWT”,“kid”:“NjBFODU5M0VEODgzMkY2Q0Q3OENDN0U3MzIyNUI3QzkzMDBEMUIyQg”}.{“iss”:“",“sub”:“59OPFTUiKVrRrHKJoC1c8WDGP2S3Ul5r@clients”,“aud”:“”,“iat”:1594998872,“exp”:1595085272,“azp”:“59OPFTUiKVrRrHKJoC1c8WDGP2S3Ul5r”,“gty”:"client-credentials”}

I also check Auth0’s status page and didn’t found any issue on 2020-07-18.

Can you help ?
Thank you

Hi @simon.ttis

Are you caching the keys? Did you re-get them after this started happening?


Hi John,

No we aren’t catching the key.
And our client didn’t retry its request, so this one has been lost.

What I saw, is that the next one was working fine (it has been launched 5mn later).
Do you found any issue at 08:09:46 GMT on 2020-07-18 ?