I would like to delete my auth0.com account associated with my email account and the account on this site too

Hello i have made an account on here but i realized that i have no use for it anymore i know that i should contact the support group through dms about my email address but i do not know how to contact them through dms help for deleting my account is sincerely appreciated i would also like to add that i’m an admin on the thing whatever it is so i can’t delete on my own

@tyf sorry to disturb but you are the only support member active right now i know how to dm so please give me some assistance oh and also @rueben.tiow

Update: @support i have made an account on Auth0 by Okta FGA because i thought it was the same site i only logged on through google so it is okay but if i have an account could you deal with it too?

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Hi @anon8359195,

Thanks for reaching out to the Auth0 Community!

You will need to send @support a private message in the Community requesting to delete your account.

Please follow our guidelines in this knowledge solution.


Hi @rueben.tiow I have already sent @support a private message

I have also sent tyf and marceline? A message as well as the support group

I sent it yesterday if you could please check it out it will be very much appreciated


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Hi @anon8359195,

Thanks for the reply.

Absolutely, I’d be happy to help you with that right away. :saluting_face:

Hi thank you so much for everything i will now be deleting my auth0 community account since you have deleted my auth0 account thank you so much support

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Hi @rueben.tiow , and @support again i’m really sorry for the bother i promise it is the last. If you could just do me a favour and delete my community forum account as i do not have the ability to delete it myself

Please support tell me the procedure and i will comply right away

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Hi @anon8359195,

That sounds good. I have gone ahead and deleted your Auth0 Community account as well.


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