I want to do an SSO Integration that is not on the list

I want to do an SSO Integration that is not on the list.
To Integration I have to input Client ID, Client Secret, Authorize Redirect URL, Access Token Return API, User info return API.
The web manual explains what I need to enter like this.

  • Authorize Redirect URL- Please enter the login request URL
  • Access Token Return API - Enter the token inquiry URL
  • User info return API - Please enter the member information inquiry URL

스크린샷 2022-02-11 오전 11.54.51

I don’t know what should I put in these things.

Hey there @jwbae, welcome to the community!

Were you every able to get this integration figured out?

From the looks of it, you have everything you need here - Is there a specific value(s) you’re asking about?

Let us know!

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