I need help with setting paramters for sample code : someone1984-Xamarin.Auth-sample

Hi ,
I downloaded the sample project “someone1984-Xamarin.Auth-sample” line below :

but i’m not familiar with parameters for google auth specially RedirectUrl . Where can I get this ?

btw , I’m building xamarin forms app

Hey there @Abdul!

Unfortunately it’s not Auth0 owned repo. Our repo for Xamarin is here:

Thanks @konrad.sopala for the reply and sorry for not responding early but is there any sample xamarin forms project that shows how to do authentication via google and twitter at least using custom UI without involving any javascript interface ?


Hey there @Abdul!

I feel there isn’t such content but this one may guide you how to setup social connections like Google or Twitter in addition to the repo I attached previously:


Well , Thanks @konrad.sopala for your time . I managed to use auth with google directly and it works fine now . cheers man.

Thanks a lot! Glad you figured it out!

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