Print the token and inspect it with, does it include the right scopes? Also, I’m not sure the endpoint you are calling will return the users roles. Check out this end point to get a user’s roles, it also lists what scopes the token will need.
Also, check out our node sdk. It makes things very easy:
First of all, thank you for your help, because without you this would be impossible.
I must apologize, because after hours of testing, I did not clearly explain my problem.
If you look at the images I sent, you will realize that the real problem is that I can’t even download the list of registered users.
The token is correct and it drops it perfect and I insert in the get request. But I only use this request to get registered users (here I have no intention of knowing roles), however it returns:
In case you can help locate the problem:
If I include the token in the auth0 management, it accepts it. If I try to search for users. Gives the same error: