I am getting 503 errors in jwks endpoint

I getting some errors 503 in jwks endpoint, currently my proxy (Envoy) have a cache for 5 minutes, but in some cases get 503 error fetching the jwks and some cases works fine. I look for any documentation and in the tenant about the rate limit but I didnt found, so my first question is about where I find this information?

My second question is, if I increase the cache time, for example one day and I reset the jwks, my proxy must be reset? Or the old jwks in the cache will works for the news tokens assigned? I ask this because I found many recomendations to increase the time but if I need to force a new deploy to get new version of jwks doesnt make sense for me.

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Iā€™m getting the same error. And in my case it only happens in the production tenant. I would really appreciate any updates on this.