I’m new to Auth0 - and getting this error in the console. The auth0 log indicates I am logged in - but my graphQL response is indicating “Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0” which makes me think I am receiving back HTML instead of JSON. In the console, I’m seeing the following:
JwksRateLimitError: Too many requests to the JWKS endpoint
Is there something else going on here that I’m not seeing? The server crashes due to the number of requests, and I’m not getting the user information back in JSON. I am logged in though, so that’s a good success.
The JWKS endpoint is located at auth0.doma.in/.well-known/jwks.json, and contains a list of JSON Web Keys that you can use to verify the signature of the token. It is, however, rate limited.
Are you caching the responses from this endpoint? If not, I would recommend you do to avoid hitting this issue.
Ok - I’m just getting started here and using Apollo. I’m really at the ‘hello world’ stage, trying to duplicate what I used to do in Ruby on Rails with a home brewed authentication and authorization system.
In Apollo, I’m storing the user with the following:
const server = new ApolloServer({
subscriptions: false,
context: ({ req }) => {
const user = req.user || null;
return { user };
I have cache set in the check of the token access:
Is the jwksUri incorrect? It doesn’t match yours, but I’m just following a hello world type example and just trying to get the user. The login is definitely happening.
I think it’s a client issue, but as a suggestion, if auth0 used Mandi Wise’s setup as a ‘hello world’ to auth0, it would go a lot smoother. In terms of the other issue, forgetting about the local us domain in the uri, a request to that uri should return an error, that’s an auth0 issue.