How to use sign up without password?


I would like users to signup by providing email and other details like company name and then when they click continue send verification email. Only when users click on verification link ask to set password. How to trigger this. Does that mean i have to set a default dummy password first time in backend and then when user click verify trigger change password flow. ? But how would end user know the current password since it it set in backend .

Or auth0 handles this by default

Hi @Djjsnduikemsncc,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Yes, that is correct. When the change password flow is triggered, the user gets an email with a link that they can follow to reset their password. This should not require them to know their current password, only that they have access to that email address inbox. Here is a relevant doc you may find useful: Send Email Invitations for Application Signup

Let me also offer an alternative solution that enriches the profile during sign-up.

To collect additional information, like the company name, you can configure additional sign-up fields during the sign-up process.

In this approach, the user can set their desired password, pass additional information, and receive a verification link. Then if needed, you could prevent users from logging in until they have verified their email address using a Post-Login Action script.

For more information, I recommend checking out our How to configure additional signup fields on the Universal Login Page FAQ.

I hope this helps!

Please let me know how it works for you.


Thanks Rueben. so basically two approach correct me if any mistakes

Without asking user to enter password during signup form filling

  1. users fills email and other info clicks next
  2. we set a dummy password in backend
  3. then application UI will stop and request user to click the verification email to proceed
  4. users click the link from mail and change password flow is triggered
  5. User sets password then proceed further into application

Asking user to provide password during signup form filling

  1. User inputs all the info with email and password and clicks next during signup
  2. in backedn trigger email verification by calling api
  3. Next user will see screen click on verification link to proceed login. ( for this we need to use post-login action script )

Hi @Djjsnduikemsncc,

Thank you for your response.

Yes, that is correct on the 2 approaches :clap:!

Take note that the Verification Email gets automatically sent whenever a new user sign’s up from the app or if they are created by the Dashboard or Management API.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out.


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