How to use language with nodejs and passportsj

Hi, i have everything setup and working…

We use
passport.authenticate(‘auth0’, {…})
passport.use(new Auth0Strategy(…));

But now its time to make other language available in our app…

We know lock can change de language by adding { langauge: ‘fr’ } to options etc…
We also know there is a Template and we can get language in @@config@@…

But how do you set the language from passportjs?

passport.authenticate(‘auth0’, {
clientID: CLIENT_ID,
domain: AUTH0_DOMAIN,
redirectUri: AUTH0_CALLBACK_URL,
audience: ‘https://’ + AUTH0_DOMAIN + ‘/userinfo’,
responseType: ‘code’,
scope: ‘openid email profile’,
language : ‘fr’


Hey @datumic!

As it has been more than a few months since this topic was opened and there has been no reply or further information provided from the community as to the existence of the issue we would like to check if you are still facing the described challenge?

We are more than happy to assist in any way! If the issue is still out there please let us know so we can create a new thread for better visibility, otherwise we’ll close this one in week’s time.

Thank you!

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