How to redirect the user to forgot password/change password page (urgent)

Hi @ketul.s,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

I understand you have questions about redirecting users to the Password Reset page.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to redirect users directly to the Password Reset page.

In a typical password reset flow, the user clicks on “Forgot password” to trigger the interactive password reset flow where they can set a new password after opening the password reset link in their email. Moreover, the Universal Login page has the forgot password button.

This option works best for users that are unable to gain access to their account.

On the other hand, if users are able to log in, then to allow them to change their password, I recommend using the Management API Update a user endpoint. We can be confident in using this API call since we are changing the password for authenticated users, so we can trust that they are whom they say they are.

Below is a relevant documentation you may find helpful:

Hoped this helps!

Please let me know if you have any further questions.
