How to provide a delete account functionality in an android app using auth0 apis?

Currently , I am implementing an android app and we have a requirement to provide delete functionality. As per Google ,all the app which has Sign up feature , should also provide delete account feature. How to implement it in my app? Because the access token which I am receiving now, doesn’t have delete:users scope. Any help would be appreciated.

Hi @vijayazararia , the user cannot get an Access Token with the delete:users scope during login. Your backend/API can do that though by following the guide here: Get Management API Access Tokens for Production

Our recommendation here is to:

  1. When the user attempts to delete the profile, send a request to your backend/API with the user’s access token.
  2. The backend should first validate the access token and get the user_id (sub) from the token.
  3. The backend generates a new Access Token for the Management API.
  4. The backend deletes the user and sends a successful response back to the app.
  5. The app, after getting the response, logs out the user.

I hope that helps.

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Thanks a lot @thameera , it really helped. Very well explained.

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