How to pass some data to the post registration action when directing user to registration?

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I need to pass some invitation code while making the “/authorize” url (in my case using authlib.integrations.django_client.OAuth) so it’d be available in post registration action so I could make some API call to our side with that from there.

Hi @oleksandr.burla,

Welcome back to the Auth0 Community !

You can send data to your /authorize call using a static parameter as mentioned in our documentation about how to Pass Parameters to Identity Providers. You can make a PATCH request to the Update a connection endpoint and use the upstream parameter.

This community post should come in quite useful as well.

Also, another option instead of using a Post-Registration action is to use the Post-Login action and use methods such as event.stats.logins_count and event.request.query method to achieve your goals.

I hope this helped.

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