How to get the application to use the custom domain

Hi I wanted to edit the universal login template to customise a few of the fields.
In order to do that I followed the below steps:

  1. Create a custom domain and successfully verified it
    2.Used the api/management/v2/branding/put-universal-login and created a template. The call was successful.
    3.However, the application still points to the default universal login and directs to default domain not the custom domain.

What are the changes I need to make to allow the application to point to the custom domain/allow the application to use the template I had created?

Hi @antomi

Welcome back to the Auth0 Community!

I’m on it. I will return to you as soon as I have more information.


Hi @antomi

I’ve checked the tenants that are assigned to your Auth0 account and it looks like on both of them the status of the custom domain is still pending verification. It can take up to 48hours for the DNS to be propagated → Troubleshoot Custom Domains


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