How to get JWT token?

Hi everyone,

I’m currently integrating the White-Label App and need to set up authentication.

As part of the authentication process, the user should receive a JWT token, but I’m only getting an access token instead. I came across a community post mentioning that passing the audience parameter can help obtain a valid JWT access token. However, I’m unsure how to implement this in my code.

Here is my code: GitHub.

Could someone guide me on how to properly retrieve a valid JWT token? I’d really appreciate any help or insights.

You would need to specify the audience parameter when creating your Auth0 client. Basically once the audience value is updated during the creation of the Auth0 client, the access_token returned will be a JWT with the correct audience entries
Hope this helps!

To specify the audience parameter, I need to create an API.
But If I don’t want to create API, then how can I get a valid JWT token?
Is it required to create an API to get a valid JWT token?