I want to add html code in auth0 branding universal login. I tried with terraform branding resource as:
resource "auth0_branding" "my_brand" {
universal_login {
# Ensure that "{%- auth0:head -%}" and "{%- auth0:widget -%}"
# are present in the body.
body = file("test.html")
But got error as:
Error: 400 Bad Request: The template must contain a single auth0:head tag and at least one auth0:widget tag.
I also want to enable custom login page but I don’t see any terraform argument to enable it in auth0_branding resource.
Considering this, could you please confirm if your test.html file has a similar structure?
Another quick way to test this is by using the template above to see if the issue goes away. If so, you can gradually add your custom HTML code to identify any conflicts.