I use custom login and I would like to access user profile.
I use https://${AUTH0_DOMAIN}/oauth/ro end point and added
‘scope’: ‘openid profile’ into the connection details.
After a successful login, I can only see id_token, access_token and bearer. The user profile info is missing. How could I access that info?
Hi @nurlan.nurmanov can you post the code that is calling the endpoint. I want to understand what you have implemented before suggesting anything.
Hi @nurlan.nurmanov can you post the code that is calling the endpoint. I want to understand what you have implemented before suggesting anything.
I think I found the answer. The documentation for /oauth/ro says the following:
Use this endpoint for API-based (active) authentication. Given the user credentials and the connection specified, it will do the authentication on the provider and return a JSON with the access_token and id_token.
So it only return access_token and id_token.
The other endpoints, such as /userinfo or /tokeninfo return user profile data. So I shall need to call those endpoints to access the profile info. Am I correct?
Correct - you can obtain the user profile via the /userinfo