How do I use Auth0Provider properties in XState?

I am using the auth0-react library to log into my app as an SPA. I have the following…

const fetchToken =
    fromPromise(async ({input}) => {
        let token;
        const audience = '';
        const scope = 'openid profile read:transactions';
        const authorizationParams = {
        try {
            console.log("Getting token silently");
            token = await input.getAccessTokenSilently({
        } catch (e) {
            console.log("Getting token with popup");
            token = await input.getAccessTokenWithPopup({
        if (!token) {
            throw new Error('Failed to fetch token');
        return {
            endpoint: input.endpoint,
export const simpleMachine = createMachine({
    initial: 'idle',
    context: {
        transactions: [],
        monthlyData: [],
        categoryAverages: [],
        categories: [],
        monthlyGroups: {},
        token: null,
        endpoint: null
    states: {
        idle: {
            on: {
                FETCH: 'fetchingToken',
                UPDATE: 'updating',
                DELETE: 'deleting'
        fetchingToken: {
            invoke: {
                src: fetchToken,
                input: ({context, event}) => {
                    console.log("Here we are");
                    return {
                        input: event.token,
                        endpoint: event.endpoint,
                        getAccessTokenSilently: event.getAccessTokenSilently,
                        getAccessTokenWithPopup: event.getAccessTokenWithPopup
                onDone: {
                    target: 'loading'
                onError: {
                    target: 'idle',
                    actions: ({context, event}) => {
                        console.error('Failed to fetch token',;
export const StateProvider = ({ children }) => {

    const {
    } = useAuth0();

    const [simpleState, simpleSend] = useMachine(simpleMachine);
    const [messageState, messageSend] = useMachine(messageMachine);

    useEffect(() => {
            type: 'FETCH',
            endpoint: '/api/transaction',
    }, []);
   return (
        <StateContext.Provider value={value}>

This seems very onerous since I have to pass the functions to the state graph from the StateContext.Provider. Is there a way to tightly integrate Auth0 and XState to avoid this?

Hi @jackiegleason,

I did some digging into this, and unfortunately, I don’t see a way to tightly integrate XState and Auth0. I found this repo, however: GitHub - 34fame/sandbox-vue-xstate-auth0: Demonstrating XState with Auth0 authentication

I wonder if that could help. Otherwise, I would recommend submitting feedback to us about this following this guide: How to Submit Product Feedback or Feature Requests


Mary Beth

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