How do I update the "Sign Up" URL?

I’m using Universal Login and I want to change the URL that the Sign Up link points to (I would attach a screenshot but this forum software won’t let me).

The most recent posts I’ve found about this, which say that this isn’t possible, are from 2-3 years ago (I would link to them, but this forum software won’t let me).

Has this situation changed in that time? My use case requires the Sign Up link to send users elsewhere, not Auth0’s built-in account creation endpoint. I’d appreciate some help or advice on how to tackle this problem.

Hi @wdiazALC,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Unfortunately, it is not possible to override the sign up link to redirect your user to a non-Auth0 endpoint.

Whenever a user signs up with the Universal Login, they are immediately logged in by default. This will send them to the redirect_uri you specified in your /authorize (login) request, which should match one of the Allowed Callback URLs you have configured for your application.

However, you could use a post-login Action to redirect users to a different URL, then resume the authentication flow afterward to complete their sign-up and login process. For more information, I recommend reviewing our Redirect with Actions documentation.


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