I am using a simple database connection on my tenant. I am currently implementing a user management interface, however I am stuck on the management of given_name and family_name.
Since they are not editable in the dashboard, I currently store them in the app_metadata, since this allows for them to automatically populate the basic claims, opposite to user_metadata (which would seem more logical for this type of information). This prevents me from doing wildcard searches on them, since the v3 search engine does not allow wildcard searches (or case insensitive) in metadata fields. I cannot sort on them either.
Moving those fields to the basic family_name and given_name fields doesn’t seem an option either, since when I try to set those fields through the update user API, I get an error, saying this operation is not allowed (by this user?). Is this simply not possible, or does the (machine-to-machine) user not have sufficient rights? I request (and obtain) the update:user scope.